Live your dream. Love your work. Support your well-being. (with the community of support and love you know you deserve)
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Hi, I'm Komal,  Iā€™m a business strategist, interviewer, resilience educator, and impact investor.  Iā€™ve also had to make a lot of pivots and overcome many obstacles throughout my career and life while building and investing in multiple businesses.
THROUGHOUT MY CAREER, Iā€¦ Premiered my documentary film about women entrepreneurs at the Obama White House, was named to Oprahā€™s #SuperSoul100, and survived an unexpected cancer diagnosis at 26 and gaslighting by my cofounder (that was a wild three years).  Learned to prioritize my well-being and needs after surviving a neurological illness and made my biggest dream come true by interviewing Michelle Obama on-stage in front of 8,000 people.
Invested in over a dozen companies at various stages, and continuing to advise them as they grow and scale.  Created over 100 episodes of my top-ranked podcast, Lessons Learned and the THRIVE Podcast, and interviewed 80+ founders and industry leaders along the way.  Coached and educated over a hundred founders and leaders across industries, helping them successfully achieve and surpass their goals in life, work, business, and with their wealth.
Through it all, one of the biggest lessons Iā€™ve learned is this: without the right accountability (coach or community), habits, routines, systems, and processes in place, we all struggle to thrive and build the businesses, careers and lives we dream of.  Thatā€™s why I created this group coaching and mastermind community for you. So you have a safe, consistent, strategic and well-informed place to land each week as you build and scale your business, or advance your career on your terms.
I value and respect your ambition, and Iā€™m here to help you unleash it and bring in more revenue, more ease, and better well-being along the way.
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